Time Deposit

Earn assured fixed returns

Manage your savings or surplus funds the smarter way: enjoy fixed returns, competitive interest rates and a choice of terms.

Flexible deposit tenures

Low minimum deposit

Multiple currencies


Flexible deposit tenures
Low minimum deposit
Multiple currencies

Features of the Time Deposit

Flexible deposit tenures

Advances available

Tenures starting from seven days up to 3 years.

Attractive Interest Rate

Attractive rate

Flexible deposit tenures

Auto renewal facility

Step-up Time Deposit

Premature encashment of Time Deposits allowed (subject to charges)

Features and benefits

  • Attractive rates.

  • Available in all major currencies.

  • Auto renewal facility.

  • Advances are available.

  • Premature encashment of Time Deposits allowed (subject to charges).

  • Time Deposit Terms and Conditions

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Time Deposit

Required documents

  • Completed deposit request form.
  • National ID or valid passport, residence visa and Emirates ID.

Eligibility criteria

Time Deposit Criteria
Age Limit If you are UAE National, UAE resident or non-UAE resident and 18 years of age; in case you are younger, your gaurdian must be assoisiated as co-applicant.

Relevant links

Key Facts Statement

We kindly request you to carefully read and understand this document if you are applying for a Deposit account from Commercial Bank of Dubai

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Fees and charges

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Important information

In case the customer prematurely liquidates their time deposit, they will not be eligible for any interest pay out. For complete product details and warnings, please refer to the Key Facts Statement document.

Our goal at CBD is to ensure that everyone has access to affordable banking solutions to help improve financial capability, promote savings, and build assets and wealth in the months and years to come.

To ensure you are not charged a monthly service fee on your account, please ensure you maintain a minimum monthly average balance of AED 5,000. This is waived if you transfer your salary to CBD (minimum salary transfer of AED 5,000 or more, effective 1 August 2024) or if you have a loan/finance with the bank.

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