CBD Yes Reward points

Save 15% on fuel and more

AED 200 welcome bonus, free for life

Your CBD Yes Rewards Credit Card offers Yes Reward points based on amount of spends. Earn up to 15 Yes Rewards per AED 1 of retail spends as per below table:

Total Monthly Spend Tiers ENOC/EPPCO Service Station Spends Other Domestic Spends* International Spends*
 % back (in Yes Rewards)
per 1AED spend
 Max.Cap per Month
(Yes Rewards)
 % back (in Yes Rewards)
per 1AED spend
 % back (in Yes Rewards)
per 1AED spend
AED 0-2,499 3% back
(3 Yes Rewards)
(7,500 Yes Rewards)

Up to 1% back 
( Up to 1 Yes Reward )

Up to 1% back 
( Up to1 Yes Reward )
AED 2,500-9,99910% back 
(10 Yes Rewards)
(12,500 Yes Rewards) 
 >AED10,000 15% back
(15 Yes Rewards)
(17,500 Yes Rewards)

*Outside of ENOC/EPPCO Service Station Spends, any Retail spends made under category "Government Services" ,"Bill Payments (including utility bills)", "Education", "Grocery / Supermarkets", "Fuel/Petroleum", “Automobiles”, “Rental”, “Real Estate”, "Car dealership and Auto related", , "Real Estate", Quick Service Restaurants (i.e., Fast Food Restaurants) and "Telecommunication Payment" will not earn Yes Reward Points. Refer below table for the detailed list of Merchant Category Codes which are not eligible to earn Yes Reward Points

Merchant Category Description Merchant Category Code
Government & Utility Payments 4812, 4813, 4814, 4816, 4821, 4899, 4900, 9399
Education 8211, 8200, 8241, 8244, 8249, 8299, 8351
Supermarket 5411
Fuel 5541, 5542
Automobiles 5511, 5521, 5599, 5561, 5571, 5592, 5598, 5599
Rental 3351 to 3500, 4722, 7512, 8675
Insurance 5960, 6300
Quick Service Restaurants 5811, 5812, 5813, 5814

Maximum eligible spends: In any given month, a Card member shall only be entitled to earn Yes Reward Points for transactions carried out up to the extent of the assigned Credit Limit on the Card. Transactions exceeding the assigned Credit Limit shall not be entitled to earn Yes Reward Points. ATM transactions, Balance Transfers, Cash-on-Call, cash advance are not eligible for Yes Reward points earning.

Click here  to read the details Terms and Conditions related to Yes Rewards Credit Card.

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